Our Association - charity number 282361

The SCKPA is run for Patients by Patients.
Everyone on our Committee is either a patient, a carer of a kidney patient or a kidney volunteer.

We raise money to help all kidney patients cope with any mental, physical or financial problems.  The SCKPA has also raised funds over the years in anticipation of providing the new renal ward in Oxford with as many of the extras that staff and patients need as can be afforded.  The combined renal and transplant ward is scheduled to open at Christmas 2019.

We offer support to people suffering from kidney disease and/or renal insufficiency. We cover members from the area served by the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and its satellites (Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and parts of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire).

Membership is open to anyone interested in furthering the objectives of the Association, at the discretion of the Committee.

Annual subscription to the SCKPA is a minimum of £5 (although donations are gratefully received!) You can subscribe using our membership form. Please print it and post to the address given in the form. 

You can help to reduce our administrative costs by also completing a standing order mandate for a minimum of £5 annually. All subscriptions go toward SCKPA funds, providing much needed patient services and support.
Membership offers: 

  • Social activities and quarterly general meetings with speakers
  • Local meetings and mutual support through our five branches.
  • Financial assistance to patients in cases of emergency
  • Opportunities to participate in fund raising activities for essential kidney research and equipment.
  • Automatic membership of the National Kidney Federation, which campaigns on behalf of kidney patients at national and international level

Contacts and SCKPA Information

Churchill Hospital: list of contact numbers

General enquires on the Six Counties Patients Association, email our co-chair Maggie Pratt-Heaton

Fund raising matters, email our head of fund-raising Jose Rico-Diaz

Website articles, comments, dates for the diary, anything that is of general interest to members, email our webmaster Pam Pitcher

Officers & committee: names and contact details of our elected officers, branch secretaries and other committee members.

Advisors & therapists: details of our advisors and therapists and the services they offer.

Quarterly meetings: details of where and when the SCKPA meets. All members welcome.

History of the SCKPA: a brief outline of how it all started, the formation of the 'Shunt club' and the SCKPA becoming a charity in 1981

Archives:  archived reports on SCKPA events