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Renal ward report 2021

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The Six Counties Kidney Patients Association AGM Meeting and Lunch Sunday 22nd of September 2024
Meeting will be held at The Mercure Lambert Hotel, Lewknor please contact Jose Rico-Diaz at [email protected] for booking details.

Dates for your diary ?            

23rd of July 2024: Stoke Mandeville Branch supper at The Charter 7pm. 

17th of September 2024: Stoke Mandeville branch supper at The Charter 7pm.

22nd of September 2024: AGM and General Meeting at The Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel.

19th  of November 2024: Stoke Mandeville branch supper at The Charter 7pm.

8th of December 2024: Christmas Lunch and General Meeting at The Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel.








Recent Articles & Events

23rd of June The SCKPA Summer Lunch and General Meeting was held at The Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel

21st of May Stoke Mandeville branch met at The Charter for supper

22nd of March Milton Keynes Branch met at The Cross Keys  for Lunch

19th of March Stoke Mandeville branch met at The Charter for supper 

19th of March Oxford branch met at The Victoria Arms for Lunch

3rd of March SCKPA’S Sring Lunch and General Meeting at The Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel.

9th January Stoke Mandeville Branch met at The Charter for supper

12th December Stoke Mandeville Branch met at The Charter for supper.

10th December SCKPAs Christmas Lunch at The Mercure Thame Lambert Hotel.

31st October Stoke Mandeville branch met at The Charter for sup

22nd-23rd September: NKF Annual Patient Event. Radisson Blu Hotel, East Midland Airport.

19th September: Stoke Mandeville branch meeting at The Charter for supper.

17th September: AGM and meeting at the Mercure Thame Lambert hotel 


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